Netflix's Dragon's Dogma Anime Gets its First Bloody Trailer

Not too long after the initial announcement, Netflix has released the first trailer of Dragon's Dogma, an original CGI anime based on the video game from Capcom. As expected, it's a fairly violent and mature anime so it looks like the studio is hoping fans of Castlevania check this out, though they don't have much in common aside from the violence and being based on video games. Still, you can never complain about too much anime and we're interested in checking this series out.

Those that have played Dragon's Dogma on PS3, Xbox 360, PC, PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch will be happy to see the story fully in-tact. A horribly-animated dragon attacks a town and destroys most of the inhabitants but takes out the heart of one person, which lets them live to fight another day. The person's name is Ethan in the anime and it looks like he's gonna want to kill some dragons.

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Credit: Netflix/Capcom

It looks like the anime is also going to keep that weird pawn system, which is going to be a bit awkward. For those unfamiliar with the game, this pawn system allowed players to create their own sidekicks for adventures and rent them out to other players. Players can also try out the other pawns that others have created, which is really awkward.

Yes, it's basically slavery/pimping, and the fact that they kept it shows the showrunners are pretty brave. That being said, they seem to be making Ethan's pawn a little more interesting, and here's hoping they tackle this issue head-on, even if this makes fans wary about picking the game up.

Dragon's Dogma will be coming to Netflix on September 17.

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