Netflix Drops Full Trailer for Space Force Starring Steve Carell and John Malkovich

Earlier this month we had gotten a teaser for Space Force which stars Steve Carell and John Malkovich, and with the series set to debut later this month, Netflix has dropped a full trailer for the show giving us a better look at the characters and the humor of the new series.

We don't have a full synopsis of the show as of now, but we do know that the series was spawned from the idea of President Donald Trump to bring the military to space with a new branch dubbed the Space Force. In the show, we follow Carell's character as he's tasked to start this new branch and possibly establish a base on the moon.

Along for the ride we have faces like Lisa Kudrow, Jimmy O. Yang, Ben Schwartz, and Jane Lynch. No doubt we're also going to get some more guest appearances as well.

Seeing that The Office is set to leave Netflix soon, a lot of people think Space Force is the streaming service's solution to filling in the hole that their most-watched show is going to leave. After all, it is created by Greg Daniels who developed The Office and even stars Michael Scott Steve Carell himself. Let's just hope that Space Force manages to captivate audiences just like the US version of The Office has.

For now, Space Force is set to hit Netflix on May 29.

Read Also: Steve Carell is a Hapless Military Officer in Trailer for Netflix's Space Force

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