Neil Gaiman Weighs in on Warner Bros. Making Superman 'Relevant'

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Henry Cavill made his last appearance as Superman in Justice League, which was released back in 2017. But until now, it seems like the hero's future is still a bit blurry. While Warner Bros. is reportedly struggling with making the character "relevant" to the audience, The Sandman author Neil Gaiman offers a piece of advice.

Forbes recently made a report about some insiders claiming that the studio is reportedly unsure as to how they'd make Superman "relevant to modern audiences." The whole article is about the matter at hand, but Gaiman particularly pointed out the said quote.

Taking to Twitter, the author weighs in on the issue with a brief yet eloquent statement. Gaiman suggests that the studio doesn't need to make Superman "relevant," but rather, make him "inspiring."

A lot of DC fans would agree with Gaiman's advice, especially since the character has been around for decades and is a part of thousands of people's inspiration and role model. Making a movie that surrounds this idea would be seen as something better for some fans who look up to the character and for those who would watch the films in the future.

But then again, some fans would disagree since relevance is something that some of the audience look forward to. Pointing out that the story could be something relatable or essential to the modern issues presented in the society.

For now, there's no telling what lies ahead of Superman. That being said, it was recently revealed that Black Panther star Michael B. Jordan met with Warner Bros. about the role earlier this year. However, the actor "isn't ready to commit" yet with multiple projects in line.

On the other hand, Cavill claimed that the "cape is in the closet." He points out that it's still his and that he hasn't actually given up on the role yet.

Do you agree with Gaiman's advice regarding the relevance of Superman? Tell us in the comments below!

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