Marvel's Darth Vader Writer Talks Importance of the Star Wars Prequels

Marvel's Star Wars comics have been hitting it out of the park in recent years and the new Darth Vader series from Greg Pak is no exception. Set after The Empire Strikes Back but before Return of the Jedi, Vader finds himself reflecting on his life and purpose after Luke Skywalker turned down his offer to stand by his side to rule the galaxy together. The series was also crazy enough to tease a Padme Amidala resurrection before revealing that it was actually Sabe.

During Comic-Con@Home, Darth Vader writer Greg Pak revealed that the idea to bring back Sabe, one of Padme's handmaidens, came from researching the Star Wars prequels. Pak brought up how important these movies are in forming Anakin's overall character while also praising some of the material that came from this time. The writer decided to use Sabe after reading a Padme novel, for example.

It is neat seeing someone like Pak, who grew up with the original Star Wars trilogy, actually go to bat for the prequels since they aren't very good. Well, the movies aren't very good because they have terrible writing and some wooden performances from good actors. However, some of the tie-in material that came from this era are pretty grand like The Clone Wars.

Let's be honest, that's probably why people reminisce about that era so much. Can they just remake the prequels through animated means? That would make them much more tolerable.

Some of Greg Pak's Darth Vader comics are now available in comic book stores and digital outlets.

Read: Greg Pak Teases 'Terrible Punishment' for Darth Vader, Will Tie into The Rise of Skywalker

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