Justice League: Jesse Eisenberg To Reprise His Role as Lex Luthor

When Warner Bros. released the official synopsis for Zack Snyder's Justice League film yesterday, a "greater enemy" was teased, but apparently, he won't be the only villain in the DC superhero team-up blockbuster. Jessie Eisenberg has confirmed that he will reprise his role as Lex Luthor in the follow-up to Batman v Superman.

During an interview with ShortList, Eisenberg excitedly expressed his return, saying: it was the most fun I've ever had at playing a role, and most challenging, in a great way, and most rewarding," before sayin that he'd "love to play it for years.".

Eisenberg didn't reveal any details about Justice League, but he did say something about Lex's future: "I certainly hope he stays alive throughout the next few films."

Justice League stars Ben Affleck as Batman, Henry Cavill as Superman, Gal Gadotas Wonder Woman, Jason Mamoa as Aquaman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, and Ezra Miller as The Flash with Willem Dafoe in a mystery role and J.K. Simmons playing Commissioner Gordon

The film, directed by Zack Snyder, will be released in theaters on November 17, 2017.

Read: J.K. Simmons Gets Ripped For His Justice League Role

Read: Justice League Dark May Be The Next DC Animated Film

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