Josh Brolin Reveals He Almost Played Batman in the DCEU

Despite only appearing in a few films, Ben Affleck's iteration of Batman in the DCEU was beloved by fans for his unique take on the Caped Crusader and gave us an older and grizzly take on the iconic hero which is something that hasn't been explored in previous Batman films. But as it turns out, there was one actor who almost played the role before Affleck was cast.

In a recent interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast, Josh Brolin shared that he came close to playing Batman a few years ago for Zach Snyder in the DCEU. "Yeah. That was interesting to me. That was his decision. That wasn’t my decision. That was his decision," he said. "Again, because, like something that is set up to not work at all or to work flyingly. I like those odds. I like playing with those odds. I’m like ‘am I the guy that’s gonna make it all fail?’ By the way, who I didn’t think was bad, but you know, you talk to [George] Clooney and he’s still joking about it. It wasn’t his fault. He loves the nipple joke and that was all Joel [Schumacher]. But, you know, he didn’t do anything wrong."

Even though he was passed by Snyder, Brolin is still interested to play the role one day if ever he gets the opportunity. "Again, that was before Deadpool 2. It would have been the older, more raspy [Batman], for lack of a better word. Honestly, that would have been a fun deal and maybe I’ll do it one day," he said.

As we all know, Brolin is now known for playing Thanos in the MCU as well as Cable in Deadpool 2. He also previously played another DC character Jonah Hex in the titular 2010 film. While he didn't end up playing one of the most iconic superheroes of all time, he did play one of the most memorable villains in the comic book genre and became iconic in playing the role as well.

Also Read: Josh Brolin Confirms He's Returning in Dune: Part Two

Of course, you still can't help but wonder about what Brolin's take on Batman would have looked like. All we can tell is that it's going to be different from what Affleck ended up doing. Maybe there is a reason why he didn't end up playing the role and Affleck's take is the one that is much closer to Snyder's vision. At the end of the day, everything still went well and we got the best out of the scenario that ended up happening.

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