Joker Gets Surprising Rotten Tomatoes Score

Although the rest of the world will need to wait two more months for Joker, the DC film has already premiered at the Venice International Film Festival. So what do the critics think about it? The movie's Rotten Tomatoes score is finally here.

Joker currently has 22 reviews on Rotten Tomatoes and considering that most critics seem to love it, it has been certified "Fresh" at 86%.

But what do critics have to say about the film? Mark Hughes of Forbes believes it is a gamechanger. "Joker is one of the true masterpieces of the superhero cinema, and one of 2019's greatest achievements," he wrote.

Others were quick to point out that Joaquin Phoenix is the reason why the movie is so good. "Phoenix has plumbed depths so deep and given such a complex, brutal and physically transformative performance, it would be no surprise to see him take home a statuette or two come award season," wrote John Bleasdale of CineVue

Marlow Stern of The Daily Beast agrees. "Joker succeeds thanks to the talents of Phoenix, who's crafted a layered, terror-inducing antagonist, and earned his rightful place alongside Heath Ledger and Jack Nicholson in the pantheon of all-time-great Jokers," they wrote.

Although most critics loved it, some weren't exactly big fans. "As social commentary, Joker is pernicious garbage," Glenn Kenny of Roger Ebert wrote. Looks like we'll have to wait until October to find out why he feels that way.

Joker is scheduled for release on October 4.

Related: Joaquin Phoenix Refused To Get Pointers From Previous Jokers

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