Joaquin Phoenix Reveals How He Got His Maniacal Laugh for DC's Joker Movie

Todd Phillips' upcoming Joker movie has a lot of people excited since it could signal a new line of mature DC movies. While fans are perfectly fine with films like Aquaman and Shazam doing well - kids should like superheroes too after all - seeing something adult and disturbing with these comic book characters can be rare, hence the excitement. Realistic or not, a Joker film needs its actor to have a creepy laugh and Joaquin Phoenix has revealed how he prepared for this.

During an interview with Verindi (translated by CBR), Phoenix stated that he watched videos of people suffering from pathological laughter to try and come up with something just as creepy. Considering the movie's tone and what we saw in its trailer, it looks like this laugh is going to get a disturbing reaction from those around him and that's perfect.

"I started [with the laugh]. I watched videos of people suffering from pathological laughter, a neurological disorder that makes individuals laugh uncontrollably."

While it's still hard to say if the movie will be good, there's no doubt that it will be intriguing. Phillips has a lot of pressure since the character is one of DC's most iconic and we can only hope that this is a surefire hit. Anything featuring the character should be.

Joker will be coming out on October 4.

Read:Joker Reportedly Tracking For Bigger Opening Than Aquaman

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