Joaquin Phoenix Didn't Go to a 'Dark Place' While Shooting Joker

Joker is coming out sooner than expected and it already has fans talking about Joaquin Phoenix getting an Oscar. From what we've seen in the trailers, it's clear that the actor has been working hard to get into the role and that can all be seen in his performance. However, those who think that he's going too deep into method acting ala Jared Leto or the late Heath Ledger, are about to be proven wrong.

During an interview with CinemaBlend, when asked about the difficulties of getting into the role Phoenix said that he didn't go through anything too strenuous, noting that he didn't go to any kind of "dark place" after shooting. In fact, Phoenix brought up how much he and the crew were able to laugh about the scenes they shot and is sorry to disappoint those hoping for something juicier.

This is going to disappoint you. I just, I don't think I did [go to a dark place]. We had a good time... [People are] like 'It's really fucking intense.' I was like, 'We laughed like every day.' 'There's nothing really to laugh at.' I go, 'Oh. We kind of are fucked up.' (laughs) We literally were laughing every day going, 'This is ridiculous.' So honestly, I love those stories of actors. I kind of do wish that I was that way cause it sounds so cool, but I didn't have that experience.

I'm personally fine with this since no actor should get too sucked into a role just to be good. We know it has done wonders for others but there are times when it can be a bit much. Knowing that Phoenix enjoyed his time working on the film is great, though we aren't saying that he didn't put in any effort; we're just happy that he didn't overwork himself for some good reviews.

Joker will be coming out on October 4.

Read:New Joker Footage Shows Joaquin Phoenix Paying Tribute To Heath Ledger

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