Jesse Eisenberg Reacts to Justice League Snyder Cut News

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Last week, it was revealed that Zack Snyder's version of the Justice League will finally be released on HBO Max. Some of the cast and crew have expressed their gratitude and excitement about the news, adding to that list is Lex Luthor actor Jesse Eisenberg.

Talking to Digital Spy, Eisenberg, who had a fairly small role in the theatrical version of Justice League, said that he's "so happy" for Snyder to release something that he is proud of. "I mean, I can't think of any other precedent in history where there was something of this scope," he added. "Because it's not just about releasing the movie, but it required all of this... we call it post-production."

The actor pointed out that it's not just about releasing the scenes that have already been finished, there's also "a lot" of post-production to do, which is "such as big process." That said, Eisenberg is "happy" for Snyder. "He's a great guy with a very, very specific vision," he added. "And so, yes, I'm happy that he gets that. And he seemed really happy."

Eisenberg previously admitted that he wasn't aware of the Snyder Cut movement and that he hasn't watched either Batman v Superman or Justice League. However, based on his comments, he's very much supportive of Snyder and his work.

His future as Lex Luthor is still uncertain but Eisenberg says he'd like to return to DCEU, admitting that it's the "coolest role to play." He even wants to play the character "forever."

Zack Snyder's Justice League arrives at HBO Max sometime in 2021.

Also Read: Zack Snyder's Justice League Will Allegedly End His Original DCEU Story

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