Jesse Eisenberg Only Had 90 Minutes to Read the Batman v Superman Screenplay

Does anyone remember how paranoid movie studios were about spoilers for their films leaking? Oh wait, studios are still like that? Sorry, being forced to stay inside due to the Coronavirus has this writer questioning how long it's been since he's gone outside. Anyway, movie executives are a paranoid and anxious lot, especially when it comes to franchise films, to the point that they don't always trust their actors. Jesse Eisenberg was one of them, as he only had 90 minutes to read the in-depth screenplay of the shallow Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Eisenberg, who played Lex Luthor in the movie, revealed that the screenplay written by Chris Terrio was one of the densest scripts he ever read, claiming that it's filled with references to the comics, Greek literature, philosophy, and more. During his interview with Konbini, Eisenberg points out how he only had 90 minutes to read through the screenplay and wasn't able to do so due to how dense it was.

Thankfully, Warner Bros gave him an extension and the actor liked what he read. He goes out of his way to call Terrio a genius due to all the references and lore in the screenplay he read.

"I don't know how many people watching that movie know his references, or even if they stayed in the final cut of the movie. Because this guy who wrote it, he's a genius. It was weird in that kind of a movie to have dialogue that is so sophisticated and like referencing Greek literature and philosophy and the great moral struggles of the world, but in this kind of superhero movie."

We sure wish we could say the same about Batman V Superman but it ended up being a big disappointment, though the film does have a ton of defenders. None of us are doubting that Terrio wrote in all these references to make the film feel deep but at the end of the day, it was all about two heroes fighting for incredibly petty reasons.

Batman V Superman is now available on all digital platforms.

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