Jason Momoa Gets Honest About the Marvel vs. DC Debate

For decades, there has been a rivalry between Marvel and DC amongst both comic book fans and the companies themselves that would also continue later on in their respective movie franchises, especially now that Marvel is dominating the box office. Fans continue to debate the quality of each comic book property and now one of the principles actors from the DC franchise has chimed in.

In a recent interview with TheWrap during the red carpet premiere of the third season of See, Aquaman star Jason Momoa was asked about his thoughts on the ongoing Marvel vs. DC debate in which he offered a more neutral response by not picking any sides in the conversation.

"I don’t think Marvel has an Aquaman and we don’t have a Guardians of the Galaxy, we don’t have a Thor," Momoa said. "I think we should just enjoy the movies that we all worked so hard to make. I look at Robert Downey and [Chris] Hemsworth’s amazing, they’re just my brothers out there making great content. So I don’t really compare, myself. There’s only one me, bro."

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Despite being one of the major stars in the DCEU, it is great to see Momoa give a neutral response to the question as well as give his admiration to the stars of the Marvel films despite the competition between the two franchises. After all, fans are able to enjoy both of them in different ways as they come.

There's also the fact that there have been actors, directors, writers, and other crew members who have actively worked in both Marvel and DC franchises which indicates that there is not a strong rivalry between them despite the common perception amongst fans. Either way, we're living in a wonderful time where fans have the opportunity to enjoy and celebrate both.

Also Read: Jason Momoa Promises "A Lot Funnier" Aquaman 2

Momoa is slated to make his next DCEU appearance on Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom which is coming to theaters on March 17, 2023.

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