Jar Jar Binks Star Says He’d Ask Fans’ Help For His Own Star Wars Movie

There's been a lot of discussion over the use of fan service in the Star Wars franchise, especially in the wake of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, a film which used the technique in excess, so much so that it nearly put fan service above the film's own narrative.

While too much fan service can weigh down a movie, Star Wars' Jar Jar Binks actor Ahmed Best says that he would like to ask Star Wars fans input if ever he were to direct a movie for the franchise. While the actor didn't really confirm or deny that he would be directing a film or a series for Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away, he did address the topic of fan service in a post he shed on Twitter. According to Best, he would use fans as a resource if he were given an opportunity to direct for Lucasfilm.

"I don't hate fans or fandom," Best wrote in his tweet, "I've been a fan since the '70s. If I were to direct a Star Wars movie, which...well... (That's all I can say about that) I would ask for help from the fans. It's a secret weapon that not a lot of movies have."

Best does have a point. Asking for fans' opinions can help the Star Wars franchise moving forward. However, Best does have to remember that fans have a lot of differing opinions about a lot of things in Lucasfilm's galaxy far, far away. It would be difficult to settle on a concept that would please everyone because honestly, nothing would really please all of the Star Wars fans.

We can only wonder whether this new post by Best signals that the actor's taken on a directorial role for Lucasfilm. Let's wait and see.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is currently screening in cinemas.

Read: Harrison Ford was Surprised by Han Solo's Return in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Too

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