James Gunn's Favorite Comic Book Movie of All Time May Surprise You

James Gunn has become a prominent figure in comic book movies for the past several years. Not only because he currently serves as the co-chairman of DC Studios, but he is one of the rare figures around Hollywood who has worked in both Marvel and DC franchises.

We've also known at this point that Gunn has also been a comic book fan ever since he was a kid and its influence on his storytelling can be seen in the movies that he made today.

So you might be curious about Gunn's personal favorites in the comic book genre in movies. What is his favorite of all time? What are some of his influences? Fortunately, we now have the answer.

In a recent video by GQ, Gunn shared his top five favorite comic book movies of all time. On the titles that are on his list, his own films are notably absent and none of them are also part of the MCU and DCEU franchises.

The DC Studios co-chairman revealed that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is his favorite comic book movie of all time. He praised its animation, direction, storytelling, and visuals in his explanation of why he loves the film.

Gunn also praised the film's logic in exploring the multiverse and its effective emotional beats. He also considers Spider-Man as one of his favorite superheroes back when he was a kid.

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Taking the number two spot is Richard Donner's original Superman film in 1978 which he called the movie that "changed" his life when he was a kid. As we all know, Gunn himself is now helming the new Superman movie that will be part of his DCU franchise.

The number three spot went to David Cronenberg's A History of Violence, which is based on the 1997 graphic novel by John Wagner and Vince Locke. He called it "fantastic" and considered it his favorite film by Cronenberg.

The Korean film Oldboy (based on the Japanese manga of the same name) took the number four spot on his list. He revealed that the film's iconic hallway scene was his inspiration when he crafted the respective hallway scenes for The Suicide Squad and Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

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The first Deadpool film is Gunn's fifth favorite comic book film of all time where he called it a "perfect adaptation" and considered Ryan Reynolds' take on the titular hero as one of the all-time comic book movie icons.

Other films that almost made the list are Iron Man, Spider-Man: Homecoming, V for Vendetta, and Deadpool 2. Gunn also refused to include his own films in the list as he sees them as his "own children."

This is certainly an interesting list that Gunn presented in the video as it gives us an overview of his taste and views on the comic book movie genre and it gives us a hint on how they each influence his storytelling in his own movies.

The diversity of the titles across studios also supports his past comments where he slammed the idea of a rivalry between Marvel and DC since he is willing to rank a Marvel movie as his first despite being the co-chairman of DC Studios.

Also Read: James Gunn Snaps After He Was Dragged In Margot Robbie's Rumored Involvement With Marvel

Gunn's new film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is still showing in theaters everywhere. You can check more details about it here.

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