James Gunn on Whether John Cena is Going to Be Invisible in The Suicide Squad

Using John Cena's familiar "you can't see me" catch phrase as the basis of many memes and stories, wrestling and pop culture fans can't help but openly wonder whether the wrestler-turned-actor might get to play an invisible character in James Gunn's The Suicide Squad movie.

While the suggestion might obviously be a joke, the Guardians of the Galaxy director was still game enough to address the question in a question and answer segment on Instagram (via Cinema Blend).

Taking to the social media platform to field questions about his upcoming DC movie, Gunn decided to answer whether John Cena would ever be invisible in The Suicide Squad.

The director didn't seem too amused by the question though, because he gave a quick and simple "no."

It seems like The Suicide Squad won't be taking the bait to use Cena for a meta-joke. Right now we don't have any official confirmation on the character that Cena's going to be playing in the film, but word on the street says that the wrestler is going to playing the Peacemaker, one of the many convicts that Gunn is going to be bringing together in the Suicide Squad team.

To those who aren't that familiar with DC's full roster of superheroes, Peacemaker is a soldier and superhero that loves peace so much that he's willing to kill for it. Though the character started as a pacifist diplomat that used non-lethal weapons in exacting justice, over time Peacemaker turned into a more violent vigilante.

The Suicide Squad is set for release on August 6, 2021.

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