James Gunn Offers Blunt Remark About Henry Cavill's DCU Exit; Claims He Was Never Considered

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Credit: WB

DC Studios finally put an end to the months-long speculation surrounding the next chapter of the DC Universe. On Tuesday, James Gunn and Peter Safran unveiled a slew of film and television projects fans can expect as they rebuild the franchise from the ground up.

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Unsurprisingly, the DCU's first chapter will begin with the Man of Steel, with Gunn and Safran confirming that a reboot titled Superman: Legacy will kickstart the franchise in 2025. While the duo hasn't revealed which actor will take over the role from Henry Cavill, Gunn took the opportunity to finally offer some clarity regarding the British star's rumored firing.

Speaking with the press during their DC Universe slate reveal (via ComicBook), Gunn finally cleared the air surrounding the reports he ousted Cavill from the franchise. According to Gunn, the actor was never considered to play Superman in the new DCU as they're looking to cast younger actors. He also dismissed the reports saying Cavill struck a new deal following his Black Adam cameo.

He did say that the door is also open for him to play other characters in the DCU. Gunn said: "All I can tell you really right now really is just Henry and Ben are not a part of this universe. Also important to say that Henry Cavill was not fired. Henry was just not hired to be Superman in the Superman movie. There was never a deal there for another movie, and that's not what it was."

Also Read: New DCU Kickstarts in 2025 with Superman Reboot Potentially Directed by James Gunn

Cavill's unfortunate DCU departure is still a tough pill to swallow for a lot of people but I think it's time to move forward and give Gunn and Safran undivided support because obviously, starting from scratch won't be easy.

DC Studios' Superman: Legacy is currently slated for release on July 11, 2025.

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