Is Dolph Laserhawk Alive in Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix?

Is Dolph Laserhawk Alive in Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix?
Credit: Netflix / Ubisoft / Bobbypills

Is Dolph Laserhawk Alive in Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix?
Credit: Netflix / Ubisoft / Bobbypills

Dolph Laserhawk stars in Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix as one of Ubisoft’s most established characters. He has been through a lot of pain and misery in the series brought upon by betrayal. But, is Dolph Laserhawk dead or alive in Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix?

There were a lot of deaths in the series, which makes it exciting to guess who will die or who will survive as the plot unfolds.

Some of the main characters in the anime also died, which adds to our speculation about Dolph’s unfortunate situation.

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Dolph Laserhawk: Ex-Eden Soldier and Ex-Ghosts Leader

Eden is a mega-corporation that has taken over the United States of America, devolving the land of the free into a dystopian society run by corruption and propaganda.

With a massive rate of unemployment, countless people have become outlaws to survive and make ends meet.

One of them is Eden’s ex-super soldier, Dolph Laserhawk, who has stolen some of Eden’s cybernetic technology, which he installed on his system.

With a cybernetic arm and face, Dolph has now become a fugitive, antagonizing the illusion of peace and freedom Eden provides to its people.

Dolph Laserhawk has also been labeled as a terrorist roaming Eden’s Mega City. He teamed up with Alex Taylor, his boyfriend and lover, whom he encountered in front of a suspicious-looking gay club.

Dolph Laserhawk: Ex-Eden Soldier and Ex-Ghosts Leader
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Credit: Netflix / Ubisoft / Bobbypills

Together, Dolph and Alex were unstoppable. But when Alex betrayed Dolph, everything fell into pieces, including their dreams of going away and living life anew.

Their beliefs clashed, and one thing led to another, which put Dolph in a maximum-security prison called Supermaxx.

At Supermaxx, the Warden planted a bomb inside Dolph’s head to force him to follow her orders.

Dolph leads a group of outcasts called the Ghosts, and it includes Jade, her uncle Pey’j, the assassin Bullfrog, and the professional wrestling champion, Cody Rhodes (who died shortly after).

As a member of the Ghosts, Dolph has to complete high-risk missions along with his comrades to avoid death.

Is Dolph Laserhawk Dead or Alive?

Dolph Laserhawk’s head exploded at the end of Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix, which may imply that he is already dead. His right arm has also been severed, which most likely contributed to his instant demise.

What’s more, his cybernetic face (mask) was also shown, but again, neither his head nor his body was shown.

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Perhaps he was reduced to pieces? It sounds unlikely that a protagonist like Dolph will exit his show like this, after all.

In addition, what’s bugging us is that Dolph’s remains were never shown in the end.

It was only Sarah’s full-cybernetic body that was shown to end the anime on a high note. There was no proof that Dolph died due to the bomb’s explosion.

Is Dolph Laserhawk Dead or Alive?
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Credit: Netflix / Ubisoft / Bobbypills

Meanwhile, in the post-credit scene of the anime, it looks like Dolph will somehow be able to return alive in Season 2.

There’s a short animation showing Dolph in a dark place, and a spotlight is thrown at him. Another character, who looks like Sam Fisher, arrives and says that Dolph’s fight has only just begun.

For now, we’ll be crossing our fingers that Dolph Laserhawk is indeed alive. It is more fun to look at the bright side rather than stressing ourselves about Dolph’s death after all.

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READ NEXT: Will There Be a Season 2 of Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix?

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