Here’s Why Arrowverse and DCEU Couldn’t Cross Over Before Crisis Event

Credit: The CW Network

Credit: The CW Network

Crisis on Infinite Earths had tons of exciting reveals and surprising twists. One of the most memorable parts of the event is Ezra Miller's cameo as DCEU's Flash where he came face to face with Grant Gustin's Scarlet Speedster. Making the cameo happen wasn't an easy process, and showrunner Marc Guggenheim shares how it all came to fruition.

"There were certain things that we knew were not touchable and the cinematic universe fell into that category," Guggenheim told Fake Nerd Podcast. "The nice thing about doing something for eight years is you're there for all the changes."

He pointed out that out of all the changes he has gone through, whether it be personnel, philosophical, or in policy, the cameo was "one of those situations where people changed their minds." Though Warner Bros. changed their mind after they wrapped filming the crossover, Guggenheim was "so glad" that they did.

"I did feel like the cinematic universe was the one that got away," he added. "If you were to ask me - short of bringing Christopher Reeve back to life - what would you most want to do? I would have said include the cinematic universe. I still can't believe that we were able to do that."

Guggenheim says it's better late than never and despite having wrapped the shoot, the cameo came together "almost easier than any other cameo" once they got the approval from the studio. "This sort of all came together really nice," he added. "It was a series of phone calls and some time at the keyboard writing a scene and bing, bang, boom, we just got it done."

Miller is expected to reprise his role as Flash in a solo film currently scheduled for release on July 2022. Gustin's show on The CW has already been renewed for a seventh season.

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