Here's What Henry Cavill Could Look Like as The Dark Knight’s Batman

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Henry Cavill made his debut as Superman in the 2013 film Man of Steel, eventually reprising the role in two more DCEU films. However, what if the actor was actually cast to play the part of Bruce Wayne?

House of Mat made a fan art reimagining Cavill as The Dark Knight's Batman, with mockups of the actor with and without the cowl. Some fans have noted that Cavill could make a good Batman, but as you may know, the closest he ever got to the character is actually by fighting him in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. You can check out the piece below!

As of the moment, Cavill's DC movie future seemingly won't include a Man of Steel sequel. Instead, the actor will reportedly make some appearances in other DC movies. That said, there is an upcoming Flash movie that could involve exploring the multiverse, which leaves room for alternate takes on DCEU characters. Who knows? Maybe there'd come a time where Cavill would play Batman instead.

Of course, that's just wishful thinking, but seeing this artwork is certainly intriguing. For now, the next actor to take on the mantle from Ben Affleck is Robert Pattinson, who is set to star in Matt Reeves' The Batman.

What do you think of Henry Cavill as Batman? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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