Henry Cavill’s Superman to Allegedly Appear in DC Movies, Except One

Word on the street might say that Henry Cavill is set to reprise his role as Superman in the DC Extended Universe, however, it seems like the Man of Steel isn't expected to appear alongside Dwayne the Rock Johnson in the upcoming Black Adam standalone movie.

Earlier today, Variety writer Justin Kroll posted on Twitter saying that Superman is set to make a few cameo appearances in a few future DCEU movies where the Man of Steel is tied with titular characters. According to Kroll, Aquaman 2 and Shazam 2 are both seen as potential options for Cavill's future cameos. However, this doesn't mean that Superman is going to make an appearance in Black Adam or in Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman 1984.

This news may seem like a major disappointment to DC fans. Like Captain Marvel, Black Adam has had a history with the Man of Steel.

Black Adam has been touted to be just as strong as Superman, and Johnson has long since been open to the possibility of having the two battle each other head-on head. Fans have been looking forward to seeing the characters clash in Johnson's very first DCEU movie.

It's definitely a shame that Superman won't be making any sort of appearance in DC's Black Adam movie. We're crossing our fingers and hoping that Warner Brothers changes its mind and has Cavill appearing in the film anyway.

Cavill's last DCEU movie was Justice League. Warner Brothers is planning to release the Snyder Cut of the movie sometime in 2021.

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