Henry Cavill Says He Was Told to Lie About Superman's Involvement in Justice League

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

One of Justice League's saving graces was the return of Superman played by Henry Cavill (not so much the CGI'd face) during the film's climactic final moments as the league was taking on Steppenwolf. Apparently, Cavill was told by Warner Bros. to lie about the fate of his character when they were doing press tours for the DC team-up film.

In an interview with Empire Podcast, the star of Enoma Holmes revealed that he was indeed given the instruction to not disclose anything regarding Superman's involvement in the Joss Whedon-directed film even though he was present at the press tours, as awkward and strange as it seemed. Here's what he had to say:

Yeah, it was one of those weird situations where I guess people--no one really knew what they wanted and it was like 'Hey, we need Henry on the press tour but let's not tell anyone he's in the movie.' I was like 'Ok, well it's going to be super awkward for me guys. Thank you for giving me an impossible scenario which I'm just going to say to people, well yeah I was here for moral support. I made the tea. I made the tea for an entire movie.' I'm pretty sure that no one bought it.

I'm not entirely sure why Warner Bros. opted to go that route considering it was too damn obvious that Clark Kent would make his way back into the DCEU following his "death" in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Do they really think fans are that naive? What was that all about? But hey, as baffling as it was, it is what it is. Speaking of Henry, the rumors of him signing a new deal to return as the Man of Steel genuinely excites me. Henry's desire to stay in DC despite the countless opportunities that await him outside that bubble is pretty admirable, don't you think? He sure deserves his super sequel!

Meanwhile, the Snyder Cut of Justice League is coming to HBO Max in 2021!

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