HBO's Watchmen Teased in New Promo Video

HBO's upcoming Watchmen series won't be a typical adaptation instead, acting as more of an epilogue or an alternate take on the original graphic novel. The series has left many with different thoughts but it could be better than we expect and distancing itself from the comics is a move that should lead to a series that is incredibly surprising, maybe even shocking.

The company released a new promo trailer showcasing a number of new shows that will be debuting soon, including Watchmen. Since this is a collection of teasers, you only get a couple of snippets from the show, including this "new" version of Rorschach. We also get to see Jeremy Irons' version of Ozymandias and some of the new characters.

We still don't have a release date for the series but with Game of Thrones ending soon, the company is going to need some killer shows to keep that show's momentum. It's too soon to say if Watchmen will be that show but we can only hope that it, at the least, entertains us in ways that the original comic did not.

Anyone else excited for HBO's Watchmen series?

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