The 11 Strongest Characters in Frieren (So Far), Ranked!

The 11 Strongest Characters in Frieren (So Far)!
Credit: Madhouse

The 11 Strongest Characters in Frieren (So Far)!
Credit: Madhouse

Frieren is a fantasy and adventure anime that features interesting characters possessing various strengths, abilities, and even weaknesses. From the hero Himmel to the dwarven warrior Eisen, here are 11 of the strongest characters in the Frieren anime so far!

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  1. Draht

    Draht is one of the demons dispatched to help Lugner in his negotiations with Granat. He's collaborating with Linie to serve Aura the Guillotine of the Demon King army.

    He can use razor-sharp wires that can quickly behead or kill a fully armored soldier.

    Draht's mana perception and detecting abilities are substantially inferior to Linie's.

    In truth, Draht failed to recognize the harm Frieren posed since he chose to assassinate the elf magician, among others.

    Draht's self-assurance, as much as his magical prowess, led to his demise. After all, he is still a novice and inexperienced fighter.

  2. Linie

    Linie is a demon working for Aura of the Guillotine. She was also on a mission to assist Lugner in negotiating with Graf Granat.

    In her younger years, Linie witnessed Eisen’s fighting style, which allowed her to imitate Eisen during her fight with Stark. But Linie lacks the same power Eisen has, leading to her defeat.

    Linie specializes in mana detection and reading. She can create or summon any weapon she likes.

    Most notably, Linie specializes in imitation, but the downside is that she can’t replicate the force or power behind the original techniques or fighting styles she copies.

  3. Lugner

    On the surface, Lugner is on a phony peace mission to negotiate with Granat on Aura the Guillotine's direct orders, but beneath the surface, he is a forerunner of the city's annihilation.

    Lugner, unlike Draht and Linie, uses his blood as a weapon. He can transform his blood into any form he desires, such as the whip he uses to fight Frieren.

    He can also use his blood to heal himself, regenerate limbs, and even track down adversaries!

    Lugner's hallmark spell is Blood Manipulation: Balterie, which uses strands of Lugner's blood to pierce his enemies.

    Like any other demon, Lugner is crafty and clever. He is also proud of his magic and battle abilities.

  4. Qual

    Qual is the Elder Sage of Corruption, who created the Killing Magic, also known as Zoltraak, the One Hit-Kill Spell.

    Zoltraak was considered a highly advanced magic capable of piercing through mankind's magical defenses or magic-imbued equipment at the height of Qual's power, making him a high-level disaster-threat villain.

    Because Qual's signature magic is so detrimental, a group of sorcerers started to research and examine its abilities.

    Zoltraak was then used as the foundation for contemporary magic, which astonished Qual when he was unsealed by Frieren and placed to rest for good.

    In the past, Qual has killed many adventurers and civilians. He was one of the most notorious sorcerers working for the Demon King’s army, and even the Hero Party couldn’t do anything but seal him away.

  5. Stark

    Stark is the vanguard of Frieren’s party, and he can strike down a Solar Dragon in one hit with his axe. He single-handedly defeated the dragon, which Fern and Frieren had a hard time dealing with.

    Although Stark lacks conviction in his skills and abilities, his resolve to genuinely protect those he cares about the most allows him to push his limits and defeat his opponents.

    Stark is Eisen’s disciple, whom Eisen believes will be much stronger than him in the future. He is a warrior who inherited Eisen’s fighting style and made it his own.

    He can’t use magic, but he’s the strongest member of Frieren’s party in terms of physical strength.

    Whenever Stark is terrified, a power within him emerges, posing a deadly threat to his opponents.

    READ MORE: Do Fern and Stark End Up Together?

  6. Fern

    Fern is Frieren's apprentice, and she has a natural gift for magic. She isn't interested in learning unnecessary magic techniques, claiming she'll be fine once she learns magic to help her survive independently.

    Fern, on the other hand, exudes maturity. She almost appears to be Frieren's babysitter, reprimanding her master for his sluggish behavior.

    She is also concerned by Frieren's easygoing and carefree demeanor as if she doesn't give much thought to other people's time.

    Fern learned from Frieren how to properly conceal her mana, fooling her opponents about her true magical potential.

    Her detection of mana is also above average. She is an adept student who possesses the same magical techniques as Frieren.

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  7. Aura the Guillotine

    Aura the Guillotine is one of the Seven Sages of Destruction, working directly with the Demon King’s army. She has been regaining power for over 28 years since the Hero’s Party defeated the Demon King.

    As a Seven Sage, Aura transcends human knowledge and reason. She uses the Scale of Obedience against her opponents, allowing Aura to place her soul and her target’s soul on the scales to weigh their mana.

    If Aura’s soul is greater than her target, she can turn them into her puppet. Her target’s body serves Aura for eternity until it turns into dust.

    Because of this ability, Aura can easily create an army, which can wreak havoc on cities and villages.

  8. Heiter

    Heiter stands out among the members of the hero's party as the alcoholic priest.

    In Frieren's opinion, he is a corrupt priest, but he is also the type of guy who would scold Frieren's lethargic behavior in the presence of the entire party.

    We don't know much about Heiter's exploits in the anime because we haven't seen him battle alongside the hero's team.

    Heiter can use goddess magic to aid his group, and he occasionally goes on the offensive with a magic strike known as the three spears of the goddess.

    In the manga, Heiter was a once-powerful priest who could provide the Hero Party's oxygen and nutritional demands for months on his own.

    His mana limit is many times greater than a normal priest's, which explains why other aspiring priests look up to him.

  9. Eisen

    Eisen may look like a stereotypical dwarf in most fantasy and adventure anime, but his strength is not one to scoff at.

    He is a highly capable warrior who can utilize his physical strength, durability, and speed to defeat his opponents.

    Out of all the members of the Hero Party, Eisen is considered the sanest person.

    He is serious most of the time, but after experiencing how fun and deplorable their journey was, he changed for the better.

    Like Stark, Eisen was a scaredy-cat. To this day, Eisen would shake in fear in front of his opponents, but he didn’t let it affect his resolve to fight and defeat them.

    In the manga, Eisen has been through so much. Eisen has survived being eaten by dragons, poisoned, and plummeting from incredible heights as if nothing had happened.

  10. Himmel

    The hero Himmel is not only the most laid-back member of the Hero’s Party but also the person responsible for landing the finishing blow to the Demon King.

    He couldn’t wield the legendary hero blade, but Frieren believes that Himmel is still a great hero capable of changing the lives of the people around him.

    His resolve to protect his loved ones equals, or perhaps even exceeds, that of the legendary hero who will appear to save humanity.

    Himmel only uses a decorative sword not fit for combat, but he still manages to make full use of it and even defeat the Demon King!

    What more can Himmel achieve if he can wield the hero blade?

    In his generation, Himmel was the strongest sword-wielder. He can finish his opponents without them realizing what has happened.

  11. Frieren

    Frieren is the titular protagonist of the anime, who is obsessed with acquiring new magic, regardless of whether it is deplorable or useless.

    Her love and thirst for magic push her on a brand-new journey with Fern and Stark to Aureole, all the while dealing with various demons and threats along the way.

    Frieren is a near-immortal elven mage who has lived thousands of years already. Her magic knowledge is remarkable, but she still strives to learn and train more.

    She is a gifted master of all kinds of magic, be it offensive or defensive, which most of the other first-class mages aspire to be. She is destined to follow in the footsteps of the Great Mage Flamme.

    She also has an insane reserve of mana, which she conceals to fool demons, as taught to her by the Great Mage Flamme.

    Funny, despite her magic prowess, Frieren is an unregistered mage, which, in the eyes of the Continental Magic Association, is unqualified.

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