Flash Movie Said to be Erasing the Snyder Films from the DCEU

Admittedly the DCEU has been kind of stumbling ever since the release of Batman v Superman, and though we have some solid entries, we have lost the sense of cohesion that Marvel has excelled with. What's interesting is, we could be looking at a full revamp when it comes to the Flash movie.

According to Fandomwire, WB is said to be looking to pull a Days of Future Past and have Barry reset the timeline so that the events of Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League never happened. They write:

While the Justice League is mentioned by name in the script, no other heroes are featured. And when Barry comes back through time, the Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League movies will be gone. Wonder Woman and Aquaman will remain cast as is, but Robert Pattinson's The Batman will be one of a few new characters incorporated into this new resetted timeline.

Like I said, it seems like a very Days of Future Past tactic, and it's been happening with a lot of franchises where time travel removes the least desirable entries in a franchise. The same has happened with the Terminator films as well.

Personally, I don't like the idea. This is just a huge slap to the fans, and with all this #ReleaseTheSnyderCut energy, I think it would be a wrong move for DC to suddenly invalidate the films that kicked off the DCEU. If you ask me, Flash should just set-up a multiverse; it validates the existence of every other DCfilm that wasn't connected to the DCEU previously, and doesn't take a huge dump on the fans that have been supportive all these years despite the haters.

Then again, these are just rumors for now, so we should take it with a grain of salt.

The Flash is set to come out on July 1, 2022.

Read Also: The Flash Film Villains May Have Possibly Been Revealed

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