James Gunn Admits Original Suicide Squad Director was Screwed Over

While DC may be gearing up for James Gunn's The Suicide Squad next year, a lot of fans are also looking to #ReleaseTheAyerCut of Suicide Squad as David Ayer admits his original vision was not the film that made it into theaters.

While doing some press with Empire, Gunn has revealed that he knows that Ayer was not able to publish his original vision for Suicide Squad. He says, "Listen, David Ayer's gotten trouble for the movie… I know it didn't come out how David wanted it to come out."

Though Ayer wasn't attached to the making of this sequel, Gunn does say that he loved Ayer's choice of actors, and he is making his best to build on what Ayer had done with the first film. Gunn continues:

"… But [Ayer] did one really, really great thing, and that is he picked fantastic actors to work with, and he dealt with these actors in building their characters in a really deep and fearless way. It's something David definitely deserves to be lauded for, and it's definitely added to this movie."

For now, The Suicide Squad looks like a completely different movie, but fans are forever curious about how the first Suicide Squad was supposed to go down. We don't know much, but we know that Jared Leto's Joker was apparently not terrible, and the film would be closer to the tone of the first SDCC teaser.

If there's any hope, fans are campaigning to have HBO Max release Ayer's version of Suicide Squad, and Jared Leto's appearance in Zack Snyder's Justice League could very much try to build on that hype. If ZSJL succeeds, it would make sense for HBO to consider releasing Ayer's original cut of Suicide Squad.

No release date has been announced, but Zack Snyder's Justice League is set to hit HBO Max sometime in 2021.

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