Ex-Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Blasts Critics Calling Her Social Media Posts 'Dangerous'

I believe we've long established the fact that former Star Wars actress Gina Carano is a bonafide controversy magnet and whatever she says on social media, it's guaranteed to get a lot of people talking. Of course, we all know how her opinions about certain socio-political topics have gotten her in trouble in the past but the mixed martial arts fighter isn't going to be silenced, regardless of the current public perception towards her.

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Credit: Lucasfilm

The ex-Mandalorian star has been actively advocating against COVID-19 vaccines and she has used her social media platform as a vessel to sway as many people as she could regarding the "ineffectiveness" of the said vaccines. Unsurprisingly, Carano has been seen by many as a threat thanks to the "misinformation" she's been spewing all over the internet. It even prompted Twitter to censor her tweets about vaccines and other issues.

For the longest time, Carano has remained cool, calm, and collected despite the backlash she's been receiving. However, a recent Twitter post from the Deadpool actress seems to indicate that she's growing real tired of being attacked for her personal views and by the looks of things, she's ready to fire back at her critics.

Carano recently posted an image on her official Twitter handle, blasting her critics who think that her social media posts are "dangerous".

Also Read: The Mandalorian: Lucy Lawless Reacts to Replacing Gina Carano as Cara Dune

I believe in freedom of speech but as much as the next guy but Carano's case is different. She's obviously abusing the platform she was given and instead of her posts being aimed towards promoting positivity and the spread of factual information, she's using it for her own personal vendetta, it seems.

Meanwhile, there's no word yet what happens to Cara Dune in
The Mandalorian Season 3.

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