EA’s Newest Star Wars Game Set for PS5 and Xbox Series X

It's official. Star Wars: Squadrons is being prepared for release on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

According to Star Wars: Squadrons creative director Ian S. Frazier (via ComicBook.com), Electronic Arts is planning to release the game on Sony and Microsoft's next-generation consoles. However, while the game will be made available on both PS5 and Xbox Series X, these versions of Squadrons won't feature any upgrades, making them similar to the versions of the game on PS4 and Xbox One.

Though Frazier doesn't offer any explanation as to why this might be, the creative director doesn't seem to close off the idea of giving some next-gen flair to the game when it arrives on PS5 and Xbox Series X.

There's been a lot of excitement growing over Squadrons. Taking place after the Battle of Endor, the game centers on two fighter squadrons, the Galactic Empire's Titan Squadron, and the New Republic's Vanguard Squadron.

Costing only $40 at launch, the game is much cheaper than big-budget games releasing on consoles and PC. According to an explanation by CFO and COO Blake Jorgensen, the game offers a more specific experience to gamers, thus it doesn't have the same breadth of content as other AAA games.

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"We always look at the games and we want to make sure we are providing the greatest value for our players," Jorgensen said. "And, you know, games all have [a] different scale, and most of our games right now have [a] huge scale. We designed [Squadrons] to really focus on what we heard from consumers, which is one of their greatest fantasies, and that's to be able to fly an X-Wing fighter, a Tie Fighter, and be in a dogfight. And so it doesn't have the breadth of some of our games, but it is still an incredible game, and so that's why we chose to price it at a slightly lower level, to also allow access to as many people as possible who have that Star Wars fantasy."

That doesn't mean that Squadrons is going to be less thrilling though. Star Wars fans into dogfights are going to love EA's new release.

Star Wars: Squadrons is set for release on October 2, 2020.

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