Does Secret Invasion Have Post-Credits Scenes?

With Secret Invasion being the most recently released MCU series on Disney Plus, does Secret Invasion have post-credits scenes?

One of the key things MCU fans have long been used to watching Marvel films in which they are well aware that the post-credits scenes reveal the answers to what we were asking in the previous films.

However, post-credits scenes also sometimes happen to lead to more questions, which would then urge fans and viewers to watch the next upcoming film in order to get their answer.

WARNING: This article contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Secret Invasion, so READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!

What Do Post-Credits Scenes Mean in the MCU?

What Do Post-Credits Scenes Mean in the MCU?
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Credit: Disney

The post-credits scenes, as you can tell from its name, occur after the MCU film finishes on the big screen.

One or two post-credits scenes happen after the rolling credits finish, as the short clip reveals foreshadowing of future films and TV shows within the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

It has become a part of the MCU tradition for viewers to sit through an entire 2-hour film and its rolling credits just to see what the short clip at the end is going to tell fans.

It has become an expectation, a part of the routine when MCU fans sit in the theatres for a Marvel movie.

Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige once told Entertainment Weekly what got them to start the post-credits scene tradition in the first place, starting off with Iron Man:

“[The ending] is before the credits, that’s really how we look at it. That’s the conclusion of the story that we’re telling, and then if there’s a credits scene after the main one ends or the first one, it’s usually something that ties into the movie you’ve just seen that’s extra. At the very end of the credits, that’s what’s to come.”

Do MCU Series Have Post-Credits Scenes?

Do MCU Series Have Post-Credits Scenes?
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Credit: Disney

Post-credits scenes are no-brainer explanations in MCU films, but what about the MCU series?

Take WandaVision, for an example, the first ever MCU series that took place after the events of Avengers: Endgame.

WandaVision’s finale episode included a post-credits scene that had Monica Rambeau meeting a Skrull agent in an empty theater.

The Skrull did not faze Monica, considering she has already met good ones when she was still a child in 2019’s Captain Marvel. The Skrull then told Monica, “I was sent by an old friend of your mother’s. He heard you’ve been grounded. He’d like to meet with you.”

The agent also happened to be pointing at the sky, which at the time, Nick Fury was commandeering a Skrull space station in outer space.

This, of course, leads to Monica joining Fury in space, which would then lead to the upcoming Captain Marvel sequel, The Marvels, this November.

As for the second post-credits scene (yes, two post-credits scenes), Wanda is seen in her normal outfit of what she usually wore in Westview.

Until the camera sweeps into the house deeper, where the Scarlet Witch is reading the Darkhold book she had stolen from Agatha Harkness.

This little post-credits scene led to Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, where Wanda made more attempts to reunite with her twin boys in another universe.

Other MCU Series That Have Post-Credits Scenes

As for Loki Season 1, the post-credits scene teased Jonathan Majors’ Kang the Conqueror making his official debut in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Ms. Marvel, She-Hulk: Attorney At Law, and many other MCU series have also had their own post-credits scenes, which begs the question…

Does Secret Invasion Have Post-Credits Scenes?

Does Secret Invasion Have Post-Credits Scenes?
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Credit: Disney

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Considering that Nick Fury was almost always shown as a major part of the big reveal of Marvel in post-credits scenes, many MCU fans expected Secret Invasion would be no different.

Unfortunately, in the entirety of Secret Invasion's six episodes, the series has no post-credits scenes. Never did, and here's why.

Why Secret Invasion Lacked Post-Credits Scenes

In a recent interview, Secret Invasion director Ali Selim told the real reason behind the absence of post-credits scenes in the MCU series, and while he's well aware of the significance behind its lack thereof in the series, here's what he had to say about it:

"I don't know what they're launching with this show. I do know what they're wrapping up, which is Nick Fury's internal struggle with aging and with his sense of purpose and his sense of 'other', which I think gets wrapped up pretty well. And there's not much else to say about that, so I don't know that a post-credits scenes sequence would help."

Selim added: "I guess [Marvel] didn't feel that any of those things warranted a post-credits sequence."

Unfortunately, Selim also confirmed there are no 'deleted scenes or footage' to keep an eye out for in regards to the works behind the series.

The Marvels Is The Aftermath of Secret Invasion

While this does seem like a questionable move from Marvel Studios, it has reportedly been confirmed that The Marvels will indeed be directly connected to the events of Secret Invasion, which could explain the lack of post-credits scenes.

Remember: every released MCU films and series are always connected to one another, especially since Marvel is building a whole multiverse they could manipulate and protect altogether in the following phases, hence, the Multiverse Saga.

With Secret Invasion Episode 6 ending the series with Nick Fury successfully ridding his home planet of Skrulls, including his own wife, this would explain why we see Fury yet again contacting Monica Rambeau, Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, and Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan from the S.A.B.E.R. space station.

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