Do Shikimori and Izumi Break Up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie?

Do Shikimori and Izumi Break Up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
Credit: Doga Kobo

Do Shikimori and Izumi Break Up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie
Credit: Doga Kobo

Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie’s infamous yet unusual couple, Shikimori and Izumi, grace our screens with their lovey-dovey sequences in every episode of the anime. They are one of the cutest anime couples to date that romcom anime fans adore! However, do Shikimori and Izumi break up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie?

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How did Shikimori and Izumi Begin Dating in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie?

Do Shikimori and Izumi Break Up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie? -How did Shikimori and Izumi Begin Dating
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Credit: Doga Kobo

Shikimori and Izumi started dating in their freshman year.

They met for the first time on the first day of school. What began as a bad day for the unlucky Izumi turned out to be one of the best days of his life.

While Izumi's documents were being swept away by the wind, Shikimori came to his aid and retrieved them.

Izumi met Shikimori by chance, thanks to her kindness. When she returned Izumi's notes, the young boy's heart began to race. Shikimori's beautiful features and personality drew Izumi in immediately.

Shikimori even gave Izumi her beautiful smile despite his awkwardness. They both later realize they are in the same class. While they were initially awkward, the two began to develop their friendship and eventually became close.

Shikimori and Izumi were even asked to assist in the same area at their first cultural festival. They were both in the costuming department, where Izumi's knitting skills astounded Shikimori.

They also happen to share the same Couple Numbers. For context, the Student Council holds a Couple Numbers game every year in which they ask everyone to pick a number at random and look for the person who has the same number.

This will be their primary requirement in order for the Student Council president to photograph them.

Izumi mustered the courage to confess to Shikimori after their photo was taken. While he was afraid to do so, he realized that if he kept his feelings to himself, nothing would ever happen.

Shikimori, fortunately, felt the same way and accepted his confession.

Do Shikimori and Izumi Break Up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie?

Do Shikimori and Izumi Break Up in Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie? -Content
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Credit: Doga Kobo

Shikimori and Izumi did not break up at the time of writing in Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie.

There have been a few hiccups along the way, but Shikimori and Izumi have always come through. The first roadblock they face as a couple is Izumi's self-consciousness.

Izumi believes he does not deserve Shikimori. As a result of his misfortune, many of his classmates make fun of him and his relationship with Shikimori. This led him to believe that Shikimori deserved better than he did.

Furthermore, Izumi realizes that Shikimori will be injured in some way while rescuing him from his unfortunate situation. He also believes that he should be the one to protect her rather than the other way around.

Despite this, Shikimori doesn’t think of Izumi any less. Instead, she considers Izumi to be the strongest person she knows because her boyfriend truly understands what it is like to be in pain and misfortune.

Because Izumi always gets himself into trouble, he chooses to be kind and persistent in his efforts to be a better person rather than blaming others.

Shikimori discovers that Kamiya-san, one of Izumi's friends, has developed feelings for his boyfriend. Despite this, Shikimori encourages Kamiya-san to confess to Izumi rather than take the easy way out.

She believes that anyone who likes Izumi isn't a bad girl because her boyfriend is a wonderful person. Props on her maturity and lack of jealousy in any way.

Shikimori and Izumi frequently argue about their time together in the manga. This is just typical couple banter in which Shikimori requests Izumi's time and attention.

This happened for a week after Izumi was busy caring for Inuzuka. Izumi, on the other hand, always makes up for the lost time by asking Shikimori out on a date.

Shikimori and Izumi will almost certainly remain together in Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie. Fortunately, they will not be breaking up anytime soon because the manga continues to depict their lovey-dovey relationship.

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