DC to Reintroduce Black Wonder Woman in Future State Event

Credit: DC Comics

Credit: DC Comics

The DC Universe will be shaken up to its very core with the arrival of the new comic book event titled Future State. As the title suggests, the new DC crossover event will look into a future where the heroes from the present-time have been replaced by their successors. We previously reported that the said comic series will mark the debut of a Brazilian Wonder Woman but apparently, she's not alone as another Amazonian warrior is set to make her triumphant return to the DC canon.

Nubia, the first black Wonder Woman will also be making an appearance in the series. In fact, she'll be debuting her own comic book title Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman. Author L. L. McKinney and artist Alitha Martinez unveiled our first look at the character who goes by the name Nubia. To those unaware of her origin, the character actually made her debut in the 70s and is depicted as Diana Prince's "black twin sister". Check out Nubia in her Wonder Woman outfit here:

As it stands, we still know very little about the upcoming event but given all of the information we've been receiving so far, Future State is shaping up to be an event every DC Comics fan surely can't miss. It's also a clear sign that DC is once again looking to expand their comic book universe which, of course, is always a good thing because you can't rely forever on the characters you have, no matter how established and iconic they already are.

Meanwhile, another DC Comics event called Endless Winter drops this December.

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