DC Studios Reasserts Ex-Superman Actor Henry Cavill's Place in New DCU

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Credit: WB

Despite losing the coveted Superman role in the DC Universe, Henry Cavill still remains a hot prospect within the franchise. In fact, James Gunn and Peter Safran have made it clear that they're interested in working with the British star in the future. Last week, rumors began circulating all over the internet that Cavill has been offered the Frankenstein role in Creature Commandos, an upcoming animated project that ties directly into the rebooted DCU.

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The DC Studios co-CEO quickly dismissed the reports, saying they already cast the actor who will voice Frankenstein in the series and play him in live-action. Gunn reiterated, however, that Henry still has a place in the DCU and they've actually discussed potential roles for the actor although Frankenstein isn't part of his options.

Responding to a fan on Twitter, the Peacemaker director said: "Its on various news sites & I was asked about it. You might consider that this bile you think comes off in my post has more to do with your framing than what I’m actually saying. I’ve said in the past we’ve discussed other roles with Henry - just Frankenstein is not one of them."

Also Read: DC Studios Reportedly Approaches Henry Cavill for New Role

It's hard to imagine Cavill agreeing to play another character other than Superman, especially after he fought so hard to keep the role in his grasp. I guess it all boils down to his passion for the DC film and television franchise and his desire to see it succeed. Personally, I don't see him accepting DC Studios' offer but of course, the decision is still his to make.

Speaking of the Man of Steel, DC Studios' first theatrical offering Superman: Legacy is slated for release on July 11, 2025.

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