Dave Filoni on Whether Star Wars Rebels is Getting Another Season

Star Wars: The Clone Wars may have just recently come to an end, but Star Wars fans still have a lot of questions for series showrunner Dave Filoni. Not only are fans eager to learn about Ahsoka's future in the galaxy far, far away, they also want to know what the future holds for the Star Wars showrunner. What project does the director have in mind next?

Speaking in an interview with Deadline to talk about Ahsoka Tano and future Star Wars projects, Filoni is asked whether the animator and producer is ever going to continue Star Wars Rebels now that he's completed his work on The Clone Wars.

Rebels was well received by fans and critics with many praising the series for adding a new dimension to an unexplored chapter in the Star Wars timeline. While the series was given a satisfying conclusion, fans are hoping to see more of Sabine Wren and Ahsoka as they search the Unknown Regions for Ezra Bridger.

Unfortunately, it seems like Filoni isn't interested in another season of Rebels.

"No. Not really," the Star Wars producer answers bluntly when asked whether he would continue Rebels now that The Clone Wars has finally come to an end.

"I was really happy with how that series turned out, and I feel like we got to tell a complete story there," Filoni goes on "It was one of the things that really drove me to thinking, well, it would be great to have a complete feeling like that for Clone Wars, so now to have both is really great. I think that there's always potential for stories that involve the characters from Rebels, which is maybe a better way to put it. They've all earned their place in the galaxy, so to speak, so I'm sure there's some more of them to do."

We're open to seeing more stories from the Ghost Crew too. We'd like to see what happens to Sabine and to Ahsoka after Rebels – will the duo ever find Ezra in the Unknown Regions? There have been a number of reports saying that Ahsoka's going to make her way to Star Wars: The Mandalorian, and rumor has it that Sabine is going to appear alongside the former Jedi Padawan.

Let's wait and see whether any of those rumors come true.

Star Wars: The Clone Wars is available for streaming on Disney+.

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