Chris Pine Comments on Steve Trevor's Shocking Return in Wonder Woman 1984

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

2017's Wonder Woman saw the apparent death of Chris Pine's Steve Trevor. Somehow, the character is making his return in Wonder Woman 1984, how and why this was possible is still shrouded in mystery, with the actor himself sharing his insights on his character's possible resurrection.

During a set visit (via IGN), Pine was asked whether he thinks Steve was brought back the "right way" for the movie. "I mean, 'right way'?" Pine said. "You can decide whether it's the right way or not."

"I love Patty [Jenkins] and I love Gal [Gadot] and that I'm working on this film," the actor continues. "I think it's romantic and old-fashioned in the best way, and simple in the best way, and doesn't reinvent the wheel in the best way."

Pine says its simply just "good old fashioned storytelling" and is essentially leaving the decision to the viewers whether it's the right way of bringing back his character. "So, 'right'? I have no idea, but I know that anytime Patty pitches something with me, she can pitch me anything," he adds. "She's the single best pitcher of ideas I've ever come across in the history of pitching."

Jenkins says she loves seeing Diana and Steve back together. Obviously, she can't go into detail, but the "secret" to their whole story and how it was built will be understood once the fans see the movie.

There's no doubt that Steve's return remains one of the biggest questions heading into the film's release. A trailer for Wonder Woman 1984 is expected to be released at the DC FanDome event, hopefully, there'd be some clues to how Steve returned.

Wonder Woman 1984 is set for release on October 2 while DC FanDome takes place on August 22.

Also Read: DC FanDome Splits Into Two Separate Global Events

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