Brandon Routh Has Killer Eyes In New Kingdom Come Superman Image

There's a lot of excitement building up over the Arrowverse's upcoming "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover event. The CW is planning one heck of a crossover, bringing in old DC actors like Wonder Woman series star Linda Carter, Smallville's superman actor Tom Welling, and old Superman Returns movie star, Brandon Routh.

What's even more exciting is that Routh is going to be playing the Kingdom Come version of the Man of Steel. For those who aren't familiar with the comics, Kingdom Come is a four-issue Elseworlds comics written by Mark Waid and Alex Ross set in 2020 where Superman and his generation of DC heroes have been succeeded by a new generation of crusaders who care less about the people they protect than their own welfare and egos. Here, the Man of Steel is much older and much darker than we're used to seeing.

Thanks to a new art piece by popular graphic artist BossLogic, DC fans now get to see what Brandon Routh might look like as Kingdom Come superman.

Check it out here:

Showcasing the actor in a black, grey, and red version of Superman's costume, BossLogic's rendition of the Kingdom Come Man of Steel has a pretty sinister look to him. Then again, Kingdom Come is a dark and gritty series.

Right now, we have no idea how Routh's older version of Supes is going to factor into the Arrowverse's "Crisis on Infinite Earths" event, but we definitely can't wait to see it.

The "Crisis on Infinite Earths" is set to debut on The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and Supergirl later this year.

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