Black Adam Producer Reveals The Rock Previously Met with Marvel Studios

Credit: Columbia Pictures

Credit: Columbia Pictures

There's no denying that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is one of the most sought-after stars of his generation and it almost feels like every major film franchise has him in it. However, it's totally baffling that it's only now that we're getting to see him in his first superhero role with Warner Bros. and DC Films but apparently, starring in a comic book project has been on Johnson's radar for quite some time now. In fact, he previously had negotiations with Marvel about a potential project in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

According to Black Adam producer Hiram Garcia who happens to be the brother of The Rock's agent and ex-wife Dany Garcia, the former WWE superstar actually met with Kevin Feige in the past to discuss a few ideas. However, he clarifies that the "negotiations" that went down weren't that serious and in the end, Johnson chose to stay committed to his passion project over at the DCEU which has been in developmental hell for a decade.

In an interview with Collider, Hiram reveals: "DJ and Kevin have a great relationship and we've flirted around a few ideas before, but nothing serious. There's mutual admiration for what we each have been doing and what Kevin has built over it is truly incredible. Ultimately though for us, we've always been very committed to what we wanted to build with Black Adam. Black Adam was the character we wanted to bring to life and who we felt DJ was destined to play. Once we set our sites on this character over a decade ago it was hard to imagine DJ playing anyone else."

Also Read: Black Adam Star Dwayne Johnson Issues Warning to the MCU Ahead of Filming

The Rock starring in an MCU film sounds like a match made in heaven but personally speaking, I'm glad it didn't end up happening. Now, don't get me wrong, he'll surely be a perfect fit for the billion-dollar franchise but as far as star power is concerned, the DCEU could definitely use the services of "The Great One". He'll definitely be a game-changer for the franchise and that's not just a prediction, that's a spoiler.

Black Adam hits cinemas in 2022.

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