Black Adam Star Hints Doctor Fate May Return Despite Apparent Death

SPOILERS: This article contains spoilers about the events of Black Adam. Read at your own risk.

Pierce Brosnan's DCEU journey as Doctor Fate was cut short during the climactic battle in Black Adam as he met his death when he faced off against Sabbac. As a result, a lot of fans believe that they have seen the last of Doctor Fate in the franchise. However, it looks like that might not be the case at all based on the actor's recent comments.

In a recent interview with USA Today, Brosnan reflected on his character's death during the film. However, when asked whether there's a possibility that we will see him return to the role, he hinted that his DCEU journey might not be over as suggested to him by producer Beau Flynn who said that "not everything is as it seems."

"So I think the door is open," the actor said. "I honestly have no idea where this will go. I just know I'm very proud of the work playing Dr. Fate and honored being part of the DC comic book world.

In addition, Dwayne Johnson also confirmed Doctor Fate's status in the future of the DCEU in a tweet where he promised that we "will see more of him" during a response from a fan who mentioned that they are hoping to see Doctor Fate again in some capacity.

"Dr Fate is one of my favorites too and you will see more of him. I promise," he wrote. "We wanted #BlackAdam to be visually stunning so thank you for that nod. [Enjoy] the movie everyone!! #BlackAdam"

While they didn't mention any specific details on how they are going to bring back the character in the future, it is still exciting to hear nonetheless that we have not seen the last of the character and they are leaving the door open for him to return. It's just a matter of what exactly their plans are for his comeback.

Also Read: Black Adam Actor Cites Doctor Strange as Inspiration for DCEU Role

Black Adam is now showing in theaters. You can check more details about it here.

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