Birds Of Prey Poster May Tease Poison Ivy And Catwoman’s Arrival

DC fans had a field day today. Not only did Warner Brothers announce that the first full trailer for Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) is set to arrive on October 1, but the study also released a series of teaser posters featuring Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn.

Sure, the posters didn't give away too many details about what's to come in Birds of Prey, but it did seem to tease the arrival of other very important DC characters. Scrutinizing the posters that WB released for Birds of Prey, DC fans couldn't help but spot what seems like an Easter egg for an important part of Harley's origin.

Noticing how Harley's been updating her tattoos to erase Joker (Jard Leto) out of her life. Her arm tattoo with the letter J (for Joker) has been changed to a mermaid, an image which some seem to believe to be a reference to the Gotham City Sirens. For those unfamiliar with the Sirens in the comics, this is the group/ alliance that Harley makes together with Poison Ivy and Catwoman.

Does this mean that we'll get to see these iconic Batman villains in Birds of Prey too? Or is this tattoo one of the ways DC is using to try to set up Poison Ivy and Catwoman's appearance in the future of DC movie?

"If you read the comics you know that Poison Ivy and Harley have an intimate relationship. In some comics they convey it as a friendship; in other comics, you can see that they're actually sexually involved as a couple," Robbie revealed in an interview with late last year. "I've been trying to – I would love to have Poison Ivy thrown into the universe, because the Harley and Poison Ivy relationship is one of my favorite aspects of the comics, so I'm looking to explore that on screen."

We'd love to see Ivy make her way to the DCEU too. We can't wait for DC to explore Harley's relationship with Pamela Lillian Isley.

Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) premieres February 7, 2020.

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