Birds of Prey: Here's Why Ewan McGregor is Perfect as Black Mask

It's no secret that Ewan McGregor is a talented actor who can take on any role he wants. However, it looks like he is truly perfect as the villainous Black Mask in Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn). But what makes him the best candidate to play Roman Sionis? Director Cathy Yan has the answer.

Yan recently spoke to while promoting Birds of Prey and she confirmed that McGregor was active in developing the character.

"We had so much fun creating Roman together," Yan said. "His backstory, his background, the way that he just flips back and forth, that was written in, but Ewan is so funny so some of my favorite lines in the movie, or some of my favorite Roman lines, he found on the day."

Not surprisingly, McGregor's input in creating the character made it easier to bring Black Mask to life.

"That was part of the appeal of Roman for me and part of the reason that Ewan was such a good fit was that he just brings such a natural charisma to the role and he is so wickedly funny and you can't help but like him," Yan said. She also praised McGregor as a character actor.

"He's so charming, and that was kind of the fun of it. You can laugh along with him and then kind of feel bad that you're laughing and then he does something really, really horrible and that just kind of makes him a more interesting character for me," Yan stated.

We're not surprised that Yan had fun working on Birds of Prey. After all, she has an awesome cast. Needless to say, this could mean that the movie is going to be amazing.

Birds of Prey will premiere on February 7.

Related: Star Wars: Ewan McGregor Reveals How He is Preparing for Obi-Wan Kenobi Series

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