Birds of Prey Features Footage from David Ayer's Suicide Squad

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

While Birds of Prey is seen as a standalone movie that'll have a story that "feels like it's own thing," the film will be using some footage from its predecessor, Suicide Squad.

This article contains MILD SPOILERS for Birds of Prey.

In the trailer, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn is seen driving a truck and jumping out of it so that the vehicle crashes the ACE Chemical Plant. This then resulted in an explosion that likely destroyed the place, the trailer then cuts to a scene of her walking away from it unharmed and looking satisfied.

Director Cathy Yan recently spoke on an upcoming episode of CinemaBlend's ReelBlend podcast where she confirmed that Birds of Prey will feature some key footage from the 2016 film. "We actually did use some Suicide Squad footage, yeah," Yan said. "I think we tweaked it a little bit to fit into our world."

However, she pointed out that the whole point of including the said footage is to make it "feel like a memory." "That was everything that she was thinking through the flashes of that," Yan added. "That was what was impacting her as she was driving too her thing."

The director "liked" that "little flourish" in the film and she thinks that it "helped remind people" of the significance of the ACE chemicals. Yan is likely referring to the location's significance to the antiheroine where she dives into a vat of chemicals to prove her love for Joker, which obviously didn't end well.

Are you excited for Birds of Prey? What are you looking forward to the most? Tell us in the comments below!

Birds of Prey (And The Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) hits theaters on February 7, 2020.

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