Birds of Prey Director Speaks Out on the Film's 'Disappointing' Box Office Numbers

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

Credit: Warner Bros. Pictures

When Birds of Prey was first released, reports around the movie suggest that it had disappointing and underwhelming box office numbers, giving it the narrative that it did poorly and is deemed a loss for Warner Bros. Now, director Cathy Yan breaks her silence about the perception of the movie.

"Yeah, I think that if you actually look at the details of the budget breakdown," Yan told The Hollywood Reporter. "I know that the studio had really high expectations for the movie — as we all did."

"There were also undo expectations on a female-led movie, and what I was most disappointed in was this idea that perhaps it proved that we weren't ready for this yet," she continued. "That was an extra burden that, as a women-of-color director, I already had on me anyway."

Yan says there are "certainly" other ways that the movie's "success or lack of success" could be interpreted, and knows that everyone has a right to do that. However, the director admits that she felt everyone was "pretty quick to jump on a certain angle."

Box office numbers aren't the only way to determine a movie's success, but they are considered as the earliest indicator. That said, there were films that had impressive box office numbers but were received poorly by the general audience. So, while it is considered by some as "disappointing," there's not really a good way to tell if a particular movie is a success. While there's no denying that Birds of Prey fell short of expectations, it provided a fresh and unique take in presenting these DC characters.

Birds of Prey is now available on Digita HD and VOD.

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