Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date Delayed: Predictions & Spoilers

Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date Delayed: Predictions & Spoilers

Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date Delayed: Predictions & Spoilers

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Just as we were thinking that the series will never be finished, the Berserk manga has now returned to wide praise from fans – but for how long? Here’s everything you need to know about Berserk Chapter 368, including the release date, predictions and spoilers.

Who is Writing the Berserk Manga Going Forward?

Who Will Write Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date
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It has been confirmed that Berserk will be written by Kentaro Miura’s assistants and overseen by mangaka Kouji Mori.

Kentaro Miura, the original creator and mangaka behind Berserk, passed away in May 2021, aged 54. Since then, it had not been known if Berserk would be finished or who would write Berserk going forward.

Publisher Hakusensha then confirmed that Berserk will resume with the following credit:

“Original work by Kentaro Miura, Manga by Studio Gaga, Supervised by Kouji Mori”

Studio Gaga is Miura’s studio, under which sat his assistants and others working on Berserk. Therefore, the manga will be continued by the team that worked on Berserk previously.

Kouji Mori is a mangaka best known for Holyland, a psychological martial arts manga. More importantly, he is a close friend of Kentaro Miura and previously shared many conversations with Berserk’s creator about the story.

The statement by Hakusensha explains that, while there are no leftover manuscripts by Miura, he did talk about how he wanted the story to end, both to Mori and his assistants.

Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date

Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date Delayed
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Berserk chapter 368 will be released on August 12th, following a minor hiatus.

Berserk is published in Young Animal Magazine, which releases bi-monthly as opposed to the weekly releases seen in Shonen Jump titles. Young Animal Magazine appears on the second and fourth Friday of each month.

It was widely reported that Berserk would be taking a one-issue break after chapter 367. No specific reason for this break was provided, although we assume it’s so the new team has enough time to create the chapters as Kentaro Miura would have wanted them.

Therefore, the issue of Young Animal Magazine on Friday, July 22nd, will arrive without Berserk. After that, Berserk should return in the following issue on Friday, August 12th.

Related: Where to Read Berserk Manga Legally Online

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Berserk Chapter 368 Spoilers and Predictions

Berserk Chapter 368 Release Date Predictions & Spoilers
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We do not know any specifics about Berserk chapter 368 as of yet. However, it feels like chapter 367 was another big step towards setting up the next, and potentially final, arc of Berserk.

Once again, Griffiths is the bad guy and, by extension, Guts’ primary target going forward. Depending on how much story there is to go, many fans are starting to plot a course towards the story’s conclusion.

Publisher Hakusensha stated six chapters will conclude the Fantasia Arc and Elf Island Chapter, meaning this storyline has three more chapters to go. Then, the plan is for a new arc to begin.

You do wonder for how long this team would feel comfortable continuing Berserk. Miura did share some ideas and the story’s conclusion with Mori, but with each new chapter and storyline, the further they will go from Miura’s core idea.

Perhaps this one-issue break is an acknowledgement of how much effort they’ve put into keeping Berserk going so far and to ensure they keep on Miura’s path.

Fans, though, are confident that Berserk is in the right hands. The reaction to the new chapters has been wholly positive, with particular praise for how to story captured Miura’s essence, leaving more questions than answers.

Sometimes, manga spoilers are available a few days before the chapter’s release. If there is any more news on chapter 368, we’ll update this page.

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