Ben Affleck Admits He Didn’t Know How Iconic Batman Was When He Got Cast

It looks like Ben Affleck didn't really know how iconic Batman was when he was cast to become the Dark Knight in Warner Brother's DC Extended Universe.

Speaking in an interview with GQ, Affleck decided to open up about his controversial casting as Batman, saying that he didn't really know iconic the hero was when he was cast in Zack Snyder's divisive DC movie, Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice. Apparently, the actor wasn't all too ready to face the relationships fans had with movies and how these relationships impacted upcoming comic book projects.

"I don't think I even realized how iconic the character was until I took the job, and then that was a big story," Affleck admitted during his interview with the entertainment news outlet, "And it happened at the time when the internet was expanding into the movie business into kind of a different way... the fan sites and the relationships with the fans, and the studios, and the comic book creators and stuff was changing and evolving."

According to Affleck, he had decided to take on the role once Zack Snyder sold him on the idea of playing Batman, telling the actor that he wanted to do the tone of the Dark Knight Frank Miller series where Bruce Wayne is much older, broken down, and vulnerable. The actor was interested in that version of Batman, saying that he empathized with the vulnerable version of Bruce Wayne.

While fans doubted just how well Affleck would do as Batman when word came out that he was cast as the Dark Knight, the actor became one of the redeeming elements of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It's such a shame that the actor's trouble with alcoholism forced him to leave Matt Reeve's The Batman.

The Batman is set to premiere on June 25, 2021.

Read: The Batman: Jeffrey Wright's Jim Gordon Mustache Revealed in New Photo

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