Batman Writer Paul Dini Thinks Larry David Would be a Great Ventriloquist

Credit: SNL/Youtube

Credit: SNL/Youtube

Paul Dini is probably best known for his work on Batman: The Animated Series, and with God of War artist Raf Grassetti sharing his realistic take on the animated Batman villains, Dini has an idea of who should play Arnold Wesker a.k.a. The Ventriloquist.

Check it out:

Knowing David's work, I can imagine he doesn't have that much enthusiasm when it comes to these comic book films. Then again, he looks the part of old Arnold Wesker, and it would be fun to see him go up against the Batman at some point, even if just for a short scene.

If I were to choose someone for the part, I guess I'd go with someone like Brian Cox (Succession) or Jim Broadbent (Game of Thrones); maybe even Chevy Chase (Community). If they wanted an actual ventriloquist for the part, I can only think of comedian Jeff Dunham.

For now, Matt Reeves' The Batman is rumored to showcase multiple villains, but so far we can only confirm Catwoman, Penguin, and the Riddler. While I'm not expecting major roles, I would love to see cameos from other rogues like Mr. Freeze, Killer Croc, and of course, Ventriloquist. What are the odds we run into Harvey Dent before he transforms into Two-Face?

Production is currently halted thanks to the Coronavirus, but hopefully everyone can get back to work by June. Fingers crossed we get some significant updates later this month.

The Batman is set for a release on June 25, 2021.

Read Also: Matt Reeves Wants to Make a Batman That's 'Not Yet Fully Formed'

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