Batman May Have Appeared In Joaquin Phoenix's Joker

Without a doubt, Joker is one of Batman's greatest foes and is one of the most popular villains in the franchise. Although he is Batman's archenemy, this is still a stand-alone movie for the Clown Prince of Crime but a fan claims that Batman was seen in one of the scenes in the movie.

Heroic Hollywood reports that a fan under the user therealnerdyhero on Instagram claims that Batman symbolically appeared in the scene where Joaquin Phoenix was applying makeup for his gig. The scene was slightly ominous and it is said to have the theme "putting on a mask."

The two lights above Joker may look similar to Batman's glowing eyes and the fan thinks the lighting and framework were purposefully chosen to make it as though Batman appeared in the mirror that Joker was using while doing his clown makeup.

It is worth noting that the fan has edited the clip to highlight his point and show Batman's mask aligned with the two lights, which is said to be his glowing eyes. You could check out the scene below.

Some may think that this is a little too much of a stretch, but it could work especially when the scene's theme of "putting on a mask" is kept in mind. Also, it wouldn't be impossible or confusing to see Batman "appear" in the movie since they are known as rivals in the DC Universe.

Joker is still screening in theaters worldwide.

Also Read: Warner Bros. Might Already Be Planning A Joker Sequel

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