Baby Yoda and Mando Reportedly Set to Meet Rey in Star Wars Spinoff Movie

Star Wars might be moving forward away from the Skywalker saga now that Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's finally come to an end, however, it seems like there are rumors going around saying that fans may get to see Rey (Daisy Ridley) bump into Star Wars: The Mandalorian's Baby Yoda and Dinn Djarin (Pedro Pascal) in a future movie.

According to a report by We Got This Covered, Lucasfilm is planning to develop a solo spinoff for Rey, and it seems like the studio wants the granddaughter of Palpatine to cross over with a few small screen Star Was characters including Mando and Baby Yoda.

Sources for We Got This Covered say that Lucasfilm want Rey to meet with the Mandalorian and Baby Yoda to generate more interest in her spinoff – it seems like the studio believes more in the success of The Mandalorian than the sequel trilogy.

The site suggests that Rey will get to come across an older version of Din Djarin in the movie, though it seems like there's a lot of uncertainty what age Baby Yoda might be in the film considering how Yoda's species age at a much slower rate than most things in the galaxy far, far away.

As interesting as this rumor might be, we find it rather unlikely for Disney to work on another movie about Rey. Star Wars is moving forward away from the Skywalker saga. It would be counterproductive for the studio to work on a Rey spinoff movie. If anything, the studio would focus on stories outside Rey's and the Skywalkers.

The Skywalker saga is available for streaming on Disney+.

Read: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Novelization Solves a Major Ben Solo Plothole

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