Avengers: Endgame Directors Offer Update on their Future with Marvel

The Russo Brothers have made history with Avengers: Endgame becoming the highest-grossing movie of all time, and after such a massive win, some assume that the brothers are moving on to new things outside of the franchise. What's interesting is, they're still having conversations with Kevin Feige about a possible future project.

Talking to ComicBook, Joe Russo had explained that ‘there's always conversations going on.' He further expounds:

"We've talked to [Marvel chief creative officer] Kevin [Feige] and [Marvel Studios co-president] Lou [D'Esposito] all the time at Marvel. [Marvel Studios executive Vice President of Production] Victoria [Alonso]. They're all your friends of ours. Texting, seeing how everyone's doing. We get together with Lou for regular dinners once a month and there's always conversations going on. I think, you know, when we all land on what the right project is for us all to team back up on, we'll jump in feet first for sure."

The Russos have talked about wanting to take on a Secret Wars movie, but it's possible that we won't get anything like that for the next five years. While they've done fantastic work for the Avengers films, I would like someone else to take on the helm at some point in the future. I just don't like the thought of the Russos burning themselves out creatively being stuck with Marvel films. I mean, look at David Yates who has done nothing noteworthy besides work on the Harry Potter/Fantastic Beasts films.

We don't know what's in store for the Russo brothers down the line, but I'm crossing my fingers they decide to helm the Community movie for Netflix instead. They helped make the show great, and it's only right that they return to the helm for the long-awaited movie.

For now, the next MCU film, Black Widow, is set to come out on Nov. 6.

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