Arrow Co-Creator is Working on a 'Secret Project' for DC Comics

Depending on who you ask, Arrow is either a great example of superhero television or a mediocre show that lasted too long but there's no denying that it's left an impact. Arrow season 8 will be the show's finale and it's going to be hard imagining CW's DC shows without it. While we all mourn/celebrate the show leaving it seems like co-creator and executive producer Marc Guggenheim has other DC-related plans.

On Twitter, Guggenheim revealed that he is working on a secret project for DC Comics. This is big news since he hasn't written a comic book in a while and the fact that he's doing so in DC, the place that gave birth to Oliver Queen, feels fitting. Sadly, Guggenheim didn't reveal any details about this project but we can only assume that DC will announce it when ready.

Guggenheim has actually written a number of comics in the past, including an Arrow tie-in comic that filled some plot holes. He has also written some Marvel comics in the past, including a lengthy run on X-Men Gold, which lasted 36 issues before Uncanny X-Men was brought back (then canceled).

I've had mixed thoughts about Guggenheim's writing, which often leans to the cheesy side but he does know how to script a story. It will be interesting to see what secret project DC has in store for him, though we'll assume that it's not Green Arrow related (unless it is?).

Arrow's final season starts on October 15.

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