Aquaman's Jason Momoa Cast in Netflix Adaptation of Little Nemo in Slumberland

Little Nemo in Slumberland is a classic story that we've seen many adaptations of, from comic books to animated movies and it looks like Netflix wants to make their own one, this time in live-action. Discussing Film has announced that this adaptation will be directed by Francis Lawrence and will feature Aquaman star Jason Momoa in a major supporting role.

According to the source, Momoa will play Flip the creature, who is described as a "nine-foot tall creature that is half-man, half-beast, has shaggy fur and long curved tusks." That's an interesting role for the actor, to say the least since most people want to see him be a hunk on camera. Hopefully, Momoa has the chops to play a weird character like this and it will be fun to see him try.

The film is in good hands since Lawrence has directed movies like Constantine, I Am Legend, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 and Red Sparrow. Lawrence has also worked with Momoa before on the Apple TV series See so this is a mini-reunion of sorts.

Fans of Little Nemo in Slumberland know that it has some of the lushest visuals around, at least in its graphic novel and an animated movie. The Netflix film will probably want to get this look right, which it is working on. Apparently, the company is going to spend a lot on this since they see it as a hefty investment.

Currently, Little Nemo in Slumberland does not have a release date, though shooting is planned for the summer.

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