Anti-Trans Lawsuit Filed Against The Mandalorian's Rosario Dawson Dismissed by Court

Credit: Lucasfilm

Credit: Lucasfilm

The Mandalorian star Rosario Dawson has been on the receiving end of a massive backlash from the LGBTQ+ community following several allegations that came out in late 2019 claiming that she's involved in anti-trans discrimination. Naturally, Dawson would dismiss the said accusations but it can't be denied that her being labeled as a transphobe may have tarnished her image.

Now, following the seemingly never-ending barrage of allegations thrown at year over the last two years, the Los Angeles Superior Court has officially dismissed the case filed by Dawson's longtime family friend Dedrek Finley due to lack of evidence. In late 2019, Finley accused the Ahsoka Tano actress and three other family members of physically assaulting and verbally berating him which got the actress in serious trouble.

After Finley was unable to provide substantial evidence to back up his allegations, the court ordered for the entire lawsuit should be dismissed on May 21st. Following the latest development in her anti-trans case, Rosario once again took to social media to release a statement, expressing her relief that the lawsuit has finally been dismissed.

The entire fiasco undoubtedly caused quite the mental and emotional trauma on the actress' part and thankfully, she has finally been able to clear her name out. Being on the receiving end of allegations, not to mention cancel culture can be tough to deal with, and as it turns out, Dawson was unfairly judged and ridiculed for something she and her family didn't commit.

Meanwhile, Rosario Dawson is set to work on her standalone Ahsoka series, coming soon to Disney+.

Via: Vanity Fair

Also Read: Ahsoka Actress Rosario Dawson Addresses Anti-Trans Lawsuit Against Her

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