Amazing Fanart Gives Hyper-Real Take on Villains from Batman: The Animated Series

While there are many versions of Batman, one of the most iconic is definitely Kevin Conroy's from Batman: The Animated Series. What great is, artist Raf Grassetti is making a series of realistic renditions of Batman's Rogues Gallery from the series.

Check them out:

The series is still a work in progress, and the latest to join the roster is Man-Bat. I do have to say, all the characters look fantastic, from Two-Face to Joker, and I can't wait to see the whole roster when Gressetti is done. I'm still waiting for the likes of Ra's al Ghul and Mr. Freeze; how about Catwoman and Poison Ivy?

The animated Batman had a very distinct look, and it was what set the building blocks for DC's animated universe that lead to the likes of Batman Beyond and Justice LeagueUnlimited. These homages are always cool, and I'm sure more is about to come down the line.

For now, The Batman is gearing up for a return to the big screen in 2021. Thanks to the Coronavirus though, we might have to wait a little longer before production can resume again. Hopefully, they don't have to delay the film, and director Matt Reeves is doing the best work he can while the country is on lockdown. In the meantime, all we can really do is wait for the pandemic to blow over. Hopefully, things will get back to normal in June.

Catch The Batman when it hits theaters June 25, 2021.

Read Also: The Batman Composer Teases Matt Reeves' 'Fresh' Take on the Dark Knight

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